Today was the last day when I work at a Distinct Court (地方裁判所). I work at a Minor Court (簡易裁判所) to learn how a judge check warrants (令状). And next week, I work at a Domestic Court (家庭裁判所) and this is the last in Criminal trial training (刑事裁判修習). From the week after next, Attorney training (弁護修習) will start.
I run around a Shintoshin park. The distance between my house and this park is approximately 3 km. Shintoshin park is exactly 0.85 km. I run arount it 6 times and it means I run 5.1 km. So, I run about 8 km. It was very short... I have only one month for preparing Okinawa marathon. It is very severe sport...( TдT)