Dance of KARA

 We met with the chief judge of Naha criminal court at Suguru's house for he return some reports to us. Then, we drank (surely, including him) there. He was very interesting and kind to us. He said to me that training term of each legal apprenticeship recently (only 2 months) was shorter than it in old days but if you try as hard as possible 2 months was much enough to train ourselves. So, try hard. Follow up your boss at least till 5 p.m. and after that write report and so on. I remeber that and put it in practice now.
 After he went home, we read a magazine published by bar association in Okinawa and knew that Sachiko was good at dancing. So, under mentor ship of her, we practice to dance of KARA who are singer and dancer in Korea. It was very enjoyable.