Second party and Third party

 After Xmas party, we rest at Suguru's stylish house and went to Shinobu's bar. Previously, he was an owner of Oden-stall. And next, he was an owner of Ocha-stall. And recently, he started this bar. So, we celebrated for opening. This bar is so small and nondescript that we cannot find it easily. This bar is one of Kakurega-kei. If you come to Naha, I will take you to this bar (but only good looking men and women, sorry).

 After that, we went to Karaoke. We sang and shouted from 4 am to 6 am. From about 5 am, Shinobu joined us. One of my favorite song "Ponytails and Scrunchies" sung by AKB48 knocked about my throat. Incidentally, I think Tomomi Itano is the cutest in AKB48. I dont drive out a different opinion.