
Party of the Your Party

【訳】 今日もぐだぐだ。最近けいおん観てないな。 Today I came into office at Nagata-tyo in the afternoon because I had overslept. Sorry, I know I made a mistake. After some regular works, we attended the party of the Your Party (みんなの党)…

drink with Interns


Praying and Praying

Today, I took a walk with my friend who studied every sunday togather. And our destinations are various religious constructions for praying our pass of the bar exam.


裁判官など国家組織から見れば四大も中小企業にしか見えない。四大がしょぼいという意味ではなく、大きいからどーのこーのという感覚はおかしいの意。 裁判官に一番大事な素養は第一印象で妥当な結論を感じる力(一言でいうとセンス)。結局のところ、第一印…


ネットでとても評判がよかったもの クレヨンしんちゃんシリーズ全般(特に、オトナ帝国の逆襲) ショーシャンクの空に ビューティフルマインド バタフライエフェクト レナードの朝


Today, I developed muscles (Barbell squat, Bench press and Stomach muscle training). And, I want to have dinner with someone but I cannot then I returned home because I have no friends all of my friends are busy (I believe so). At home, I …

 drinking with 3rd-class

I worked in YOTSUYA (Intern). And I drank with 3rd-class (Noboru etc) in TOKYO.

Intern in law farm etc.

We can broadly divide lawyers into 2 categories. One is "KIGYO-HOMU" (corporate lawyers) who work for basically companies. And the other is "IPPAN-MINJI" who work for basically citizens. Big law farms are maybe the former. But the opposite…



 Hokuriku district

I am planning a trip to Hokuriku district this weekend because I want to get away from TOKYO and to see Japan sea. If using these tickets, our traffic expenses are no more than about 20000 yen per person. Let's go there togather ! Anybody?

